Easter Hat Competition
Published on : 09 Apr 2019

Easter Hat Competition

Date            : 20 April 2019 (Saturday), 12pm
Venue         : Easter Garden, First Floor, Main Place Mall
Organizer   : Main Place Mall Management

Important Notice

1.  Registration for Easter Hat Competition is open to participants aged 4 to 12 years old only.
2. Competition take place on 20 April 2019 (Saturday) at Easter Garden, First Floor. Competition starts at 12.00pm sharp and participants are expected to arrive by 11.30am for registration.
3. All decoration materials and tools are to be provided by Main Place Mall Management.
4. Upon arrival, participants are required to register at the registration counter located at Easter Garden, First Floor.
5. Participants are required to provide correct and valid personal information in order to validate registration for the competition. Any unclear or imcomplete details will render the participation void.
6. Limited slots available. First come first served basis.

Terms & Conditions

1. This competition is solely for participants aged 4 to 12 years old only.
2. Participants are required to complete their master piece within one and half hours.
3. Winners will be announced on the same day of event.
4. The decision of the Management on all matters relating to the competition is final, conclusive and binding. The Management shall not be obliged to give any reason or enter into any correspondence with any person on any matter concerning the competition.
5. All entries shall become the property of the Management.
6. The Management reserves the rights to withhold the prizes or disqualify any contestant(s) fail or refuse to comply with this competition's terms & conditions.
7. The Management reserves the rights to use/publish any of the particulars/pictures of the contestants/winners of the competition/entries or other personal particulars of them or their parents/legal guardians.
8. The Management shall have absolute discretoin to modify or terminate the competitoin at any time. It also has the sole and absolute right to interpret and determine these applications and the terms & conditions.
9. Main Place Mall reserves the right to amend the terms & conditions without prior notice and cancel or postpone the competition due to unforseen circumstances or insufficient registrations. If so, participants will be notified accordingly.
10. Other terms & conditions apply.